This gateway opens up a wide range of possibilities for data processing and analysis through data transmission to the cloud and the use of local sensors.
Extensive databases can be created in the cloud to store and manage data for the long term. With the help of advanced analytics tools, the collected data can be analysed in real time to gain valuable insights and knowledge. This enables, for example, the monitoring of environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity or air quality to ensure optimal conditions. By integrating AI and machine learning algorithms, data patterns can be identified and predictions made to identify maintenance needs early on or optimise energy efficiency, for example.
Zudem können Benachrichtigungen und Alarme in Echtzeit generiert werden, um auf kritische Ereignisse zu reagieren. Die Kombination von Cloud-Computing und lokalen Sensoren eröffnet somit ein breites Anwendungsspektrum, in der industriellen Automatisierung und ermöglicht die Realisierung intelligenter, vernetzter Lösungen.
Local sensor technology can be used with specific algorithms and sets of rules, for example, to monitor the data in real time and detect specific events or anomalies. This enables immediate reactions without relying on cloud communication, which is particularly advantageous in time-critical applications. In addition to data processing, local logic enables real-time signal monitoring and analysis. Sensors can continuously collect data and locally this data can be immediately analysed, for example to detect deviations from set thresholds. This allows notifications or alarms to be generated to react immediately to critical events and initiate countermeasures.
The combination of cloud analytics and local edge logic thus enables comprehensive data processing and use for efficient and intelligent applications in various areas such as industry, building automation and smart cities.